sâmbătă, 11 decembrie 2010

Concurs! Christmas giveaway!

Mötzilov va premiaza ideile, just in time for Christmas!
Trimiteti-ne ideile voastre, ce ati dori sa va imprimati pe tricou, si cea mai originala propunere castiga un tricou gratuit Motzilov cu respectivul imprimeu!
Requirements: imagini cu rezolutie si contrast cat mai bune
Deadline: 15 decembrie 2010
Adresa: motzilov@gmail.com
Go crazy!

2 comentarii:

  1. As dori sa imprim pe un tricou o poza cu mine :)) ,deoarece e aniversarea mea si a prietenului meu de 7 luni si l-am intrbat ce si-ar dori cadou(ca suntem si in preajma minunatelor sarbatori de iarna si mi-a raspuns simplu : PE TINE ! si cum nu am cum sa ii indeplinesc aceasta dorinta , m-am gandit ca ar fi un bun suplinitor un tricou cu poza mea pe care sa-l poarte de fiecare data cand ii e dor de mine!
    lucya_2008_lucya@yahoo.com my email

  2. My UNIQUELY styled Wallpapers. Duringsome ten years, I have developed an extremely complex and unimitable technique that should carry some interest of anyone pursuing a serious artistic ambition and expertise. And it's quantity as well: by now close to 3 000 wallpapers, all created by me. Why not tune in on my rapidly growing art blog? Its Copyright Aynyone, as it SHOULD be for this genre!

    Weathertime Wallpaper Windows

    I run Devian Art in parallell:

    Kraxpelax on Deviant Art


    And I write poetry in several languages:


    There's much in the world that you can't explain.
    It's revealed for you to remember
    by the whispering voice of a distant train
    or a midnight rain in november.

    Horizon within! You can always find
    the keys to Enigma. Let's mention
    one basic Truth: of spirited Mind
    Is Nature naught but extension.

    Internal expanses! In dreams, ridden
    by fear and longing you roam
    that deep Southeast in your soul hidden
    ...on your random journey back home.

    Single Swingle


    Casualidad sopla la sangre
    de alguno señor desconocido
    durante los pocos restantes
    momentos del resplandor de faroles

    que se vislumbran tras el follaje
    flameando de las obsesiónes
    igual efimero como gotas
    del cinzano de la soledad –

    En aquel tiempo me levanta
    dentro uno incidente avejentado
    que en seguida palidece
    al camouflaje de abstraccion;

    chica, nadie conoce que tus grisos
    ojos significan aún; con todo
    el sueño que hube evacuado
    tu escudriñas nuevamente.

    My Spanish poetry!



    Un orage nocturne illmuna maintenant l'Amazonie, franchis les Andes, envoya des jeux de cartes gigantesques et frappantes en bas à la Pampa –

    Puis: petit déjeuner à melon; café fumant !

    À la bague du cigare tu lis, étonné: GÉOGRAPHIE.



    Das Leben dergleichen Halbfaßung
    der Welt wahr immer nicht wahr,
    nicht wahr? Die fristlos Entlaßung
    am Ende wird kaum wunderbar.

    So laßen uns Menschlingen viele
    besonders besonnene zum
    Zeitweilegem Zeiten als Ziele
    des Lebens halbfaßen darum.

    Fremde Gedichte


    And: reciprocity. You do me a favor promoting your blog on mine!

    - Peter Ingestad, Sweden
